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Course 2 - ThetaHealing® Basic DNA

  • Lolliput Beabeg Road Ireland (map)

ADVANCED DNA course is a continuation of the introductory process of BASIC DNA. Return of Soul Fragments lost in past relationships. Heart song exercise.

ThetaHealing Practitioner Courses are open to everyone whether you wish to use it for yourself or if you are an existing Practitioner to add it to your toolkit. The Subconscious mind is 90% of our brain which holds memories and beliefs. By connecting to a Theta brainwave one can access hidden beliefs that can be somewhat stunting in the process of imagining and achieving your goals. The ThetaHealing Technique carries within it the process of discovering, uncovering and opening up possibilities that have always existed in the imagination, bringing them to the fore and clearing limiting aspects of beliefs while at the same time replacing them with positivity. With practical guidelines over the 3 days you can discover and experience some life changing tools that are very easy to practice once you know what they are and how to access them.

Prerequisites: Basic DNA

Language(s): English

Total Seminar Amount: €360

Deposit Amount: €100

Balance due prior to start date: €260 

Earlier Event: August 15
Course 4 - ThetaHealing® Dig Deeper
Later Event: March 27
Course 3 - ThetaHealing Advanced DNA